How Long Does Meth Stay in Your System?
While each person’s physiological makeup is different, methamphetamine may be detectable in a person’s system for 2–3 days after use, and possibly longer for chronic users.1
This page will provide answers to some of your questions about how long meth is detectable through urine and saliva tests, as well as information on addiction treatment and resources for drug detox and rehab.
How Long Does Meth Stay in Urine?
Traces of meth (also known as crystal meth or ice) may stay in a person’s urine for approximately 2–3 days after use.1 The body can generally eliminate about half a dose of meth in the urine within 12 hours.
In comparison, the body can eliminate about half a dose of cocaine within 1 hour, meaning that cocaine has a much faster rate of elimination from the body (i.e., shorter half-life) than meth.2 However, these numbers and time frames can vary depending on several factors.
If you’re worried about passing a drug test, you may need to consider whether your drug use is problematic enough to warrant professional recovery treatment.
How Long Does Meth Stay in Saliva?
Some studies show that a saliva test may only detect a moderate concentration of meth within the first 24 hours of use.3
If you’re worried about passing a drug test, you may need to consider whether your drug use is problematic enough to warrant professional recovery treatment.
Factors That Influence How Long Meth Stays in Your System
While various factors can influence how long meth stays in your system, the only way to ensure a negative drug test is to abstain from using meth and other substances.
Factors that may impact meth’s concentration levels and effects include:1, 2
- Route of administration (how it’s taken).
- Frequency and duration of use.
- Dosage.
- Purity of the drug.
- Metabolism.
The variables above make it exceedingly difficult to gauge exactly how long meth will stay in a person’s system.
Getting Help for Methamphetamine Use
Seeking treatment for meth addiction can help a person find hope and recovery.
After a person stops using, they may experience physical symptoms of withdrawal, such as extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances, and increased appetite.5 While these symptoms can be less severe than those caused by withdrawal from other substances, the psychological symptoms of methamphetamine withdrawal, such as agitation, psychosis, and anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure), may be more intense and can last for several weeks or months.5, 6
Since meth is a stimulant, many people use alcohol, sedatives, or opioids to combat some of the jitters or other symptoms associated with “coming down” or the “crash” from a meth high. This can complicate the detoxification process because people may be suffering withdrawal symptoms from multiple drugs simultaneously.6
Of particular concern are the negative thoughts and depression associated with detoxing from meth. These can potentially lead to actions of self-harm, and as a result, patients should be closely monitored for risk of suicide or relapse, and detox in a professional setting under medical supervision.6
Detox is often the very first step on the road to lasting sobriety.7 After detoxification, formal treatment is recommended, with holistic approaches that aim to target the underlying thoughts, behaviors, triggers, and patterns associated with meth use. Because of meth’s potentially devastating effects on the mind, it is important for people who stop using the drug to be assessed for co-occurring disorders.6 There are no FDA-approved medications to treat methamphetamine addiction, and various behavioral therapies are currently the most effective treatment for methamphetamine addiction.8
Leading-edge, evidence-based facilities like Oxford Treatment Center in Etta, Mississippi, offer various types of addiction treatment and tailor each person’s course of treatment to their individual needs. They also usually have flexible payment options to help defray the costs and ensure quality treatment is available to anyone who wants it.
It’s never too late to reach out for help. If you or someone you love is struggling with the devastating side effects of addiction and are unsure of where to turn, call us today at . Oxford Treatment Center, American Addiction Centers’ inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Mississippi, is ready to help you get the treatment you need today.
To get started, fill out the form below to determine what your health insurance may cover. Knowing your options and what to expect are key pieces of the treatment puzzle.
The consequences of drug addiction can be dire, but it is possible to heal. We are here to help you take the first step and every other step along the way.
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