Patients recommend Oxford Treatment Center
Third quarter surveys show strong rate of patient satisfaction
More than 94 percent of patients say they would recommend Oxford Treatment Center to their friends and family members.
That sky-high rating came from surveys completed by patients at the conclusion of their stay in Oxford Treatment Center’s residential treatment program during the third quarter of 2014.
Another nearly 6 percent answered “maybe” to the same question; none answered “no.” A total of 120 patients completed the survey.
“Even our staff was surprised by the strength of this endorsement,” Executive Director Duke Vinson said. “We know that our holistic approach to addiction treatment is very effective, but hearing this kind of feedback from those who have been through our program is powerful confirmation.”
The recommendation carries even more weight, given that many patients at Oxford Treatment Center have completed treatment for addiction at other centers — some several times — before finding a program they felt could support lasting change in their lives. As Vinson noted: “Many of our patients are actually in a very good position to compare.”
The third quarter patient satisfaction survey also registered an overall satisfaction rate of more than 90 percent, with 67 percent ranking the program as “excellent” and another 24 percent as “very good.”
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